Turning Tables

By Camryn Stafford

Turning Tables is a dance organization committed to providing black and brown dancers with the resources and opportunities needed to succeed in dance while simultaneously educating society on the unjust systematic structures that repress black and brown bodies.

Coming Up

Camryn Stafford’s new work Presenting Rage will premiere on May 16, marking her professional choreographic debut and the launch of the Turning Tables Collective.

Pulling from the values of Lordean Rage, Presenting Rage explores how we can use rage as a generative tool guided by care, compassion, empathy, and love to dismantle racial hierarchy and white supremacy and push for positive social change. Dancers explore how traditional rage occupies the body and how its embodied energy can be re-directed in the pursuit of Lordean Rage. Rage is an investigative tool used to discover the multi-faceted layers of embodied and complex emotions. Presenting Rage re-defines what it means to be “angry” and imagines a world where we achieve positive social transcendence.

The creation and premiere of this new work is made possible by the support of Turning Tables Inc. and the CUNY Dance Initiative.

Presenting Rage

May 16, 2025 - New York, NY